Parking and Roads


On-street parking permits are available to UNA residents of Wesbrook Place, Hawthorne Place and Hampton Place within their respective neighbourhoods. There are no parking permits for residents of Chancellor Place, East Campus, Central Building or Focal Building.

Information regarding parking applications or renewals is available on the UNA website.

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Snow Removal

UNA snow removal crews work to ensure that residents can have access to key areas in the neighbourhoods after or during heavy snowfall. Visit the UNA Snow Removal page for snow removal plans and updates on the status of our snow removal teams.

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Road Works

The UNA manages the maintenance and repairs of streets and sidewalks within the local areas and coordinates with UBC, Metro Vancouver and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for any road works that may affect residents. Information regarding significant road works are distributed to Strata chairs and through the UNA Community Newsletter and website. Information for works around the campus can also be found on the UBC Campus and Community Planning website.

UNA Road Works UBC Road Works