The UNA is a Society

In BC, not-for-profit organizations are known as societies. Societies are independent, democratic organizations that are required to comply with the Societies Act and their own constitution and bylaws.

The University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA) is a society. Its purpose is set out in its Constitution and Bylaws and the UNA Board of Directors oversees, develops policies and sets out the strategic priorities of the UNA. UNA Directors are elected by the society members.

UNA Society Membership

In order to participate in the UNA’s governance activities, such as general meetings and Board elections, a person must first become a UNA Society Member.

To be eligible to be a member, a person must be:

  1. At least 18 years of age, and
  2. Reside in any of the following local areas or designated buildings
    • East Campus
    • Chancellor Place
    • Hampton Place
    • Hawthorn Place
    • Wesbrook Place
    • Central Building
    • Focal Building

Confirm Your UNA Society Membership

Your UNA Society Membership is tied to your home address. If you have participated in UNA Board Election before and still live in the same address, chances are you are already registered as a UNA Society Member.

If you are unsure, you can confirm that you are an active UNA Society Member by checking online, by contacting us or by visiting us in-person:

If you have moved but still reside in one of the local areas or designated buildings, you must update and verify your address if you have not yet done so. You can do this my contacting or in-person at the Wesbrook Community Centre and the Old Barn Community Centre. Please bring your address verification documents when visiting us in-person.

Sign Up for a UNA Society Membership

To become a UNA Society Member, you can sign up online through your UNA Account or in-person at the Wesbrook Community Centre and the Old Barn Community Centre. Please have one of the requirements listed below ready so that your address can be verified.

Requirements for Address Verification

To verify your address, the UNA accepts any of the following:

  • Drivers Licence (with your current address)
  • BCID (with your current address)
  • Government-issued ID and utility bill (with current address)
  • Government-issued ID and Wesbrook Properties Lease
  • Government-issued ID and Village Gate Homes Lease
  • Government-issued ID and credit card statement (with current address)
  • Government-issued ID and bank statement (with current address)

Member Communications

From time-to-time, the UNA will contact Society Members by email or by mail. Members may be contacted for the following reasons:

  • Board of Directors Election information
  • Annual General Meeting information
  • Special General Meeting information
  • Information pertaining to your membership
  • Matters related to the activities or internal affairs of the UNA

During these elections, candidates who are running will be allowed access to Society Members’ contact information (as per the BC Societies Act). Candidates may send you information about themselves and their platform using their campaign email or personal email address. The information they will send you could help you make informed decisions when voting.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have a UNA Card. Does that mean I am a UNA Society Member?
  • I have a UNA Account. Does this mean I am a UNA Society Member?
  • What is the difference between a ‘UNA Membership’ and a ‘UNA Society Membership?’