November 26, 2024 Governance, News

Members of the University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA) have elected seven members to its Board of Directors during the 2024 UNA Elections.

The successful candidates are:

  1. Bourgeois, Ronald – Hampton Place
  2. Glassheim, Eagle – Wesbrook Place
  3. Kerns, Michael – Hawthorn Place
  4. Li, Yanbo (Paul) – Wesbrook Place
  5. Luo, Evan – Wesbrook Place
  6. Song, Sandy – Hawthorn Place
  7. Wiebe, Jake – Hampton Place

The breakdown of votes are as follows:

Song, Sandy Hawthorn Place 566
Glassheim, Eagle Wesbrook Place 563
Bourgeois, Ronald Hampton Place 558
Wiebe, Jake Hampton Place 522
Kerns, Michael Hawthorn Place 501
Luo, Evan Wesbrook Place 495
Li, Yanbo (Paul) Wesbrook Place 479
Raina, Nidhi Wesbrook Place 427
Mazar, Rochelle Wesbrook Place 422

In this election, Bylaw 5.18 (the neighbourhood representation limit) did not apply.

Total Voters: 1,002

Download: Certified Results


The Directors-elect will begin their term on December 10, 2024.

The UNA Elections ran from November 4 to November 26, 2024. The electronic tabulation procedures took place at the Wesbrook Community Centre.

The UNA would also like to thank all the candidates who put their name forward and whose desire to serve the UNA community is commendable.