Fewer women than men are getting the recommended amount of physical activity. This gender gap can be due to unique barriers a woman faces, such as family commitments or missing out on learning fundamentals of physical literacy at an early age. This initiative aims to reduce psychosocial, cultural, and financial barriers to participation. Build physical literacy and confidence in trying new fitness activities with Get Active!

There are three components of this four-month program starting August 28, 2023:

1) Social Activities – Semi-monthly gatherings provide an opportunity to explore new activities and to help build a sense of belonging. The first event will include an orientation and following events will be geared towards social activities that promote wellness, such as a fitness class, walking groups or watching a hockey game together.

  • Orientation: Monday, August 28, 6-8 p.m.
    • Fitness Centre tour
    • Meet & Greet
    • Snacks & Drinks
  • Semi-monthly activities: every first and third Monday of each month from 6-8 p.m.
    • Activities may include: fitness classes, presentations, goal setting sessions, how to build a workout plan workshop, nature walks, and more!

2) Mentorship – The mentorship component pairs a participant with a Kinesiology student mentor, who helps the participant find activities that they may want to try and assist with goal setting. This allows a personal approach to developing a physical activity plan and teaching physical literacy.

3) Subsidized Fitness Programs – Subsidized UNA physical activity programs will be available to participants including:

  • UNA credit towards a UNA fitness class, sport or personal training
  • A free 10-punch Fitness Centre pass


  • Get Active! is open to all self-identifying women over the age of 19. Priority is given to new immigrants. Returning participants are welcomed to re-apply.
  • Space is limited to 12 participants.
  • Please complete the application by August 22, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.

The initiative is led by Kirkland Halliday, UNA Program Coordinator, and Kieran Petty, UNA Fitness Centre Supervisor. Kirkland and Kieran have over 10 years’ experience in health, fitness, and recreation. After earning their Bachelor’s of Kinesiology degrees at UBC, Kirkland completed her Masters before entering into the Recreation field, and Kieran dove right into her passion for Recreation & Fitness. Kieran and Kirkland are both passionate about helping others live a more physically activity lifestyle. Please contact or for inquiries.

Volunteer as a Get Active! Mentor

Interested in Volunteering as a Get Active! Mentor? Follow the link to view the volunteer job posting and to apply.

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