New UNA Community Gardens

With the addition of two new gardens in Wesbrook Place, the UNA now has five community gardens available to residents.

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Garden Locations

The UNA provides residents with the opportunity to join community gardens. With five garden sites containing over 200 assigned plots plus the Old Barn Children’s Garden, UNA residents can grow their own food and flowers while connecting to their community and environment.

The first garden, Hawthorn Garden, was opened in 2008, followed shortly by Rhodo Garden. Nobel Garden was opened in 2012. The Greenway Gardens opened in 2021, for a total of 230 plots between the five gardens.

The community gardens are managed by the UNA, and supported by volunteer community garden committees.

Garden Details

  1. Ensure that you are a verified resident of a UNA designated neighbourhood or building. (Complete your Address Verification process)
  2. Log in to your account at
  3. Navigate to the “Services” tab.
  4. Select “Gardens Application” from the drop down menu
  5. Review the application process and details.
  6. Confirm that you agree to the Terms & Conditions
  7. Complete and submit your application.

  • December 31: Renewal deadline
  • January: Plots distributed to waitlist group
  • March 15: Gardening season begins
  • September 15: Preparation for season closing
  • October 15: End of gardening season (all plots must be cleared)
  • November 15: Online renewal notice sent to all existing plot holders.

The Old Barn Children’s Garden

The Old Barn Children’s Garden opened in 2009 and is a communal garden that invites families to get their hands dirty while getting excited about plants and the natural world. The Children’s Garden is a community-led project that includes local youth volunteers. The garden supports community engagement through its volunteer involvement, nurtures and supports a love of nature and gardening, and teaches children, youth and interested adults about organic gardening.

To learn more or get involved with the Children’s Garden, please email