January 27, 2023 CV2050

The UNA survey was completed by 876 residents. Over 500 residents described how green space and nature are important on the UBC campus. They emphasized that recreation activity and places to gather socially are dependent on the green spaces.

The possibility of too much density in the size and height of buildings and the resulting increase in resident population was an overwhelming concern for residents. Respondents described how unchecked development would adversely affect life and nature on campus through the loss of trees, loss of parks for social and recreational gathering and destruction of animal, plant and bird habitats. There was concern that building and population density would foster social isolation and that construction for the needed additional services and amenities would add to the loss of open outdoor space. Residents were mindful of the need for affordable housing and expressed concern that increased market housing may not respond to that need. There was concern about the impact that construction would have on climate and the environment.

The UNA survey results illustrated that UBC residents have interest in many aspects of life at UBC. Their concerns and suggestions were for the larger UBC community as well as for their residential community.

Learn more about the results of the UNA Community Engagement Survey below.

Survey Results