June 24, 2021 Governance, News

As part of the Neighbours’ Agreement 2020, Central Building (6015 University Blvd.) and Focal Building (6111 University Blvd.) have been designated to become part of the UNA’s jurisdiction. Residents of these buildings can now transition from their UTown@UBC Cards to the UNA Card and enjoy all the services, facilities and amenities that the UNA offers.

If you are a resident of Central or Focal, your UTown Card will expire on August 2021. You do not have to wait for your card to expire to apply for a UNA Card.

If you are new to the UNA/UBC community, the UNA is happy to offer you community services by applying for a UNA Card.

For details on how to apply for a UNA Card, please visit our UNA Account page.

For a downloadable list of UNA services and facilities, download the UNA Guidebook. (Note: Hard copies of the UNA Guidebook will be delivered to units in Central and Focal in July.)